Where the stories of our lives meet the wisdom of Jewish tradition… with a dose of laughter.
co-hosted by Rabbis Jen Gubitz and Jodie Gordon

Where the stories of our lives meet the wisdom of Jewish tradition… with a dose of laughter.
co-hosted by Rabbis Jen Gubitz and Jodie Gordon
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What a wonderful four letter word.
Those four letters can say so much in so little time, whether expressing joy or grief, excitement or disappointment, delight and sorrow, impatience or urgency - truly the breadth of human experience.
As rabbis, we know that when the stories of our lives meet the stories of Jewish tradition, transformation / growth / something awesome occurs.
Two rabbis walk into a podcasting studio…
Rabbi Jodie Gordon
Jodie sees her work as part translator, part innovator, and part preservationist.
As one of the rabbis at Hevreh of Southern Berkshire in Great Barrington MA, she derives great joy from helping the youngest to the youngest-at-heart to find their place in the Jewish conversation. Jodie is thrilled to be co-hosting the OMfG podcast with her other favorite Rabbi JG. Jen and Jodie met as students at HUC-JIR, where the Tisch Rabbinic Leadership Fellowship brought them together.
Jodie brings nearly 20 years of experience figuring out what brings people closer to Jewish life through her work at Hillel, the Marlene Meyerson JCC in Manhattan, and Ma'yan: The Jewish Women's Project.
When she's not rabbi'ing, she and her husband Josh enjoy surviving global pandemics with their two kids, Lola and Goldie.
Rabbi Jen Gubitz
With her humor and insight, Jen builds communities and content that elevate Jewish wisdom’s capacity to speak to our human condition.
In addition to co-hosting the OMfG Podcast, Jen has written pieces for the Forward, EJewishPhilanthropy, OnBeing, the Mussar Torah Commentary, and Lilith Magazine.
With over 15 years of experience in Jewish professional life, Jen is a graduate of Indiana University and was ordained in 2012 by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (NY) where she was a Tisch Rabbinical Fellow. She trained in chaplaincy at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and wrote her thesis on Jewish death education for children.
Jen lives in Boston with her husband Matan and their dog Joey. She loves whiskey, cold brew, and visiting her nieces in NOLA.